Friday 5th July 2019 L/O: To review and reflect on the Y10 mock exam and set personal targets 2. Media language means: - Camerawork - Editing - Mise-en-scene - Sound - Narrative style Videos may use a linear narrative to tell the story of the song or the performance montages to draw attention to the song or the performers. - Videos may use contrasting settings and associated lighting, location or studio or in performance, urban or rural, exotic or everyday, to match the style of music and the musicians image. - Hand held/stabilised, the difference between them and what effects that caused. - Mise-en-scene, rebellious clothes/stereotypical high school clothing represents stereotypes. 3. Radio 1 have to target different audiences to meet their public service broadcasting remit. - Eras of programming, e.g. producers of radio programmes may target an older demographic. For example through playing mu...
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