
Showing posts from October, 2017

Media Representations

Wednesday 18th October 2017 L/O: To explore the concept of representations and apply it to media texts. Representations is how the media chooses to re-present people groups and places to their audience. To do this they often use stereotypes. Stereotypical tough guy... Stereotypical dumb blonde...                     Stereotypical teenager... Stereotypical geek/nerd... Stereotypical lesbian... Stereotypical old person... Representation can cover the following areas: Age Gender Sexuality Ethnicity Nationality Disability Class  It can also cover social groups, places, events and ideas. Clothes: They have very old fashioned clothing. Facial Expressions: They both have serious expressions as its a serious love film. Hair and makeup: Kate has old fashioned hair that women would were in the time this film is based in. She is also very ...

Media Institutions and Audiences

Friday 13th October 2017 L/O: To apply the theatrical framework to media texts. Institutions who makes what and whom. The owners, companies and people to produce, distribute and govern media. Disney Disney own... Movies  Music, Games and Apps  Studios, such as music/movie studios Other companies, such as Marvel/Lucas film Theme parks and Resorts They own companies around the world Why do big media companies with lots of different divisions have an advantage over smaller companies who don't?   Because they own a lot more business and studios therefore being able to produce and publish a lot more film and music etc however a small company can only produce one thing making a lot harder to make a profit and get noticed. Big conglomerates like Disney have all types of media like movies music games etc however small companies may only have a single type of media like movies therefore the bigger companies own more having a massive advantage over...

The Theatrical Framework

Friday 6th October 2017 L/O: To apply the theatrical framework to media texts. Four major concepts or ideas, which form the bias of the subject content: 1.Media language 2.Media institutions 3.Media representations 4. Media audiences Media Language... It Includes... Camerawork (Cinematoghraphy) Soundtrack Mise-en-scene Editing Camera Shot: Mid range Font Style: A mix between serif and sans serif Use Of Colour/Celebrity: There are bland colours but then they have used yellow to make the more important parts/text bold and stand out Facial Expressions: Serious   Font Size: Mainly large but some small print around the person Use Of Props/Costume: Lightsaber, which is a sign to show its star wars, there is also a typical star wars outfit Camera Shots and Angles... Extreme close up...                                            ...

DIRT Photoshop Skills

Wednesday 4th October 2017 L/O: To respond to feedback and improve work (DIRT) This is my improved work... This film poster is a lot better than my old one because, it has a director, block print and the face has a filter on it making it blend in to the poster a lot better therefore improving it. Im happy with the changes.